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Command & Commands

by: Don Carmichael



Those that have command as a position, command; having been given the authority to, command.  Ultimately, the command is given by God, as, “It is God alone who judges; He decides who will rise and who will fall.”“Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophet, and now through His Son.”  But He also spoke to some directly, earlier.  To the appointed successor of Moses, God spoke directly, succinctly, “This is My command—be strong and cou...
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by: Don Carmichael



Fear pops up in the strangest way.  It can actually cause us to physically tremble.  It can be from the awesomeness of God or His creation and sounds, like Niagara Falls.  It can also be like that which causes our chest to tighten, and even become our concentration, counter to God’s desire.  Leaving one another is often a time of fear and sadness, being away from even you!  Fear is exhibited in many ways.  Some shake, rattle and roll. others yell, some withdraw, others lau...
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Wise Men

by: Don Carmichael



Yes, counselors and mentors, those men and women who are wise in their field of endeavor, have a work to do, a work beyond the obvious of record-keeping, listening, and talking.  Even multitudes of parents have a generation of experiences to be wisely used for their next generation.  Wisdom comes from intentional study; otherwise, we repeat over and again our own mistakes, even unto the following generations.  Isn’t it interesting that Magi, the wise men from the east, stu

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And Yet

by: Don Carmichael



It’s often the little things we choose to pick up; on; or not.  We recently had a literal fun “walk” with one who kept interrupting himself with, “and yet.”  And yet, hopefully, in our own life paces, we would reply in the same way by and by, and yet; connecting with thoughts beyond the commonness of ourselves.We are often lulled by the commercial foreground and background, and the liturgy and phrases of church attendance, even Christmas carols that proclaim God’s wonder, ...
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GMA Soccer Team!

by: Pastor Sang Choi



 We have established a GMA church soccer team, which has been a long-cherished wish of the children. I will be the coach and Reagan (a church staff) will be the assistant coach, so we can start. Namhee diligently prepares soccer balls and always prepares meals and snacks for the children when they gather. We gather every Thursday at 5 and play soccer until 7. I am especially thankful that the Youth Leadership, who grew up in faith in the church, plays an important role ...
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by: Don Carmichael



Continuums are and do one thing.  As a computer computes and taxes are due, so continuums continue.  There are no prejudices or biases with the continuums, just continuance.But with us, there are continuums both good and bad.  We can even mix the two, chew both, if you will, although it should not be, from God’s perspective.  Even as He calls us out, He puts us on notice, saying our tongues are untamable, unstable; for “With it we bless Adonai, the Father; and with it we c...
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PWC Ferlazzo Emergency Shelter

by: Norma Shull



Thanks to FBC volunteers and Brittany's Restaurant for supporting a Veteran's Day recognition to the residents of the shelter. Blessings to those present.

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by: Don Carmichael



Many times you have become whelmed, perhaps unknowingly.  Other times there are when you have realized you were in a state of being over-whelmed, not understanding that being whelmed is already being submerged; and overwhelming being submerged-submerged, double submerged, engulfed, even buried!Even in the midst of a miracle, we can still be over-whelmed.  Take the example of a fisherman, one used to being around and in the water.  He grew up with water and its storms, whic...
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Life First Visit

by: Norma Shull



A few of our ladies from Friendship Baptist got together for a tour of the Life First facility  to learn more about this wonderful ministry.   Then off to Krispy Kreme for a snack and IHop for lunch. A great day of fellowship.

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by: Don Carmichael



What was it you had to practice when you were little?  Was it blowing bubbles with bubble gum?  Whistling?  Reaching for the next bar of the jungle gym?  Writing your letters and learning your multiplication tables?  Whatever it was, you were practicing to be different, a skillset or a way of thinking.  It took practice to make these changes.  In fact, it takes perfect practice to make perfect.  Some later even make their life work, called, a practice, be it law or medical...
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by: Don Carmichael



Some products are marketed in the form of concentrate.  Others provide their product all ready for use, complete with, water added. Am I so lazy as to have a commercial outfit add the water for me? You really want me to answer that? Ok. Admittedly, sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t.But there is another type (interesting word for another time) of concentrate. Am I focused on where I should be focused, with all of my energies, like several super-heroes battling with their...
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by: Pastor Sang Choi



John the Baptizer said of Jesus, "He must increase, but I must decrease."  John 3:30.  His time had come, as the predecessor and announcer of Jesus coming into the world as the Messiah. In our coming and going, it is not all about us, our agendas, projects, and successes. It, is about God and His kingdom; Himself as Father, Son, and Spirit. John got the message. Our work is for Him, as it is the Lord Christ whom we serve. Colossians 3:24.  

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Medical Supplies for Global Mission Association (GMA)

by: Norma Shull



Thanks to the Friendship Baptist Church Ladies Team for all of the medical items (and baptistry pool!), in support of GMA, Pastor Sang and Namhee, on their way back to Kenya  đź™Ź

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From Trials to Trust

by: Don Carmichael



In the midst of uncertainty, the state of being uncertain about situations and decisions, what do you do; how do you handle these life maneuvers?God guides us with His own thoughts recorded for our own good, saying, “Regard it all as joy!”  This does not mean that we are to be all happy, happy in the midst of confusion and questioning, times of trouble and testing, temptation and trials.  Rather, He is telling us the state of mind we are to have, trusting and resting, assu...
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Can't Can

by: Don Carmichael



How can one forget the story that contained the villain wolf that huffed and puffed, trying to blown down the house of bricks?  Neither could you forget Wile E. Coyote for his persistence and determination to nab his prey.  The latter seemed to have had an attitude of can’t can; contrary to our sometimes mental reservations of can’t just cannot. Yes, somethings are just impossible for us.  Perhaps it’s technology or time, even the absence of other components, but Jesus war...
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