

SUNDAY - 8:45AM BIBLE CLASSES. 9.30AM WORSHIP SERVICE | TUESDAY ZOOM 6.30P | Saturday Mens' Bible & Prayer 0800AM

by: Don Carmichael



Continuums are and do one thing.  As a computer computes and taxes are due, so continuums continue.  There are no prejudices or biases with the continuums, just continuance.
But with us, there are continuums both good and bad.  We can even mix the two, chew both, if you will, although it should not be, from God’s perspective.  Even as He calls us out, He puts us on notice, saying our tongues are untamable, unstable; for “With it we bless Adonai, the Father; and with it we curse people, who were made in the image of God.” Both continuums.
Father, may our habits, continuums, be in line with Your values, character traits, desires, and plans for our lives.  Draw us, continue us as Your instruments and emissaries of goodness and justice unto peace.
“Some give freely and still get richer, while others are stingy but grow still poorer.  The person who blesses others will prosper; he who satisfies others will be satisfied himself.”  Continuums.  Continue, like His love, as you walk with Him, in Him.
James 3‬:‭9‬, ‭‭Proverbs‭11‬:‭24‬-‭25‬, Micah 6:8 CJB‬‬
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Continuums are and do one thing.  As a computer computes and taxes are due, so continuums continue.  There are no prejudices or biases with the continuums, just continuance.
But with us, there are continuums both good and bad.  We can even mix the two, chew both, if you will, although it should not be, from God’s perspective.  Even as He calls us out, He puts us on notice, saying our tongues are untamable, unstable; for “With it we bless Adonai, the Father; and with it we curse people, who were made in the image of God.” Both continuums.
Father, may our habits, continuums, be in line with Your values, character traits, desires, and plans for our lives.  Draw us, continue us as Your instruments and emissaries of goodness and justice unto peace.
“Some give freely and still get richer, while others are stingy but grow still poorer.  The person who blesses others will prosper; he who satisfies others will be satisfied himself.”  Continuums.  Continue, like His love, as you walk with Him, in Him.
James 3‬:‭9‬, ‭‭Proverbs‭11‬:‭24‬-‭25‬, Micah 6:8 CJB‬‬
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