

SUNDAY - 8:45AM BIBLE CLASSES. 9.30AM WORSHIP SERVICE | TUESDAY ZOOM 6.30P | Saturday Mens' Bible & Prayer 0800AM

30 Thankful Prayers

As you begin your end of the year cycle this November, one of reflection and gratefulness, download this Navigators

page1image601741264 tool as a quick guide for thanksgiving. Should you forget a day, pick up the current day as your continuing point. 

The Pineapple Story

Learn (the task of a follower) Lordship of Christ and God's sovereignty through this missionary's story, Otto Koning, as linked here.

Bible Reading Plan

Bible reading daily is like new food, even hot meals, nourishing one step and one mouthful at a time. Download an example from Discipleship Journal's Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan